50.3 F
Los Angeles
Sunday, March 9, 2025

“Try Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant”

The Korean American Women’s Association (KAWA) is accepting applications for Certified Nursing Assistant (CAN) scholarships.

“For Korean women who cannot find employment due to English or other factors, I’d suggest that they try and apply for this scholarship,” said KAWA chairwoman Ji-hye Park. “I suggest that they try to find a different path to pursue a career.”

The KAWA has been granting scholarships for CNA students since 2015 as a part of their volunteer project.

It is important for a CNA to be able to read medical information carefully as well as responding promptly to emergency situation as it is a role that requires looking after an ill patient. The CNA applicants take an exam after completing a course, which they need to pay tuition for.

“Some people are burdened by tuition and the courses that are held in English,” said KAWA vice chairwoman Young-yi Shin. That’s one of the reasons why many Korean women have been reluctant to apply, but we will not only provide scholarships, but also help them with learning the class materials until they finish their studies.”

Students who are selected to receive the scholarship an also enroll in a 13-week English course to help them to prepare for the CNA course.

“This program not only helped me to receive by certificate as a CNA,” said one of KAWA’s scholarship recipient. “I was also able to overcome one of the biggest obstacles I’ve faced in my life as I continued to become a part of the society in the U.S.”

Applicants for the scholarship must be a Korean-American female residing in Southern California and Korean or American high school graduate. Those who graduated high school in Korea must take reading and math tests.

A total of 10 students will receive scholarships—five at the beginning of the year and another five towards to second half of the year. The recipients will be provided with a full $2,000 scholarship, which covers the Nurse Assistant Training conducted by Red Cross. Those who complete the course and pass the test will also receive guidance on finding employment.

Those who wish to apply can submit their application after calling the KAWA. The deadline is April 7.
▶ Inquiry: 323-660-5292

By Jae Ra Kim