“The Roundup: No Way Out” is the third installment of a franchise that started with “The Outlaws” (2017) and continued with “The Roundup” (2022). The franchise follows “monster cop” Ma Suk-do, played by Don Lee – known as Ma Dong-seok in Korea – as he fights bad guys and organized crime.
Countries to which “The Roundup: No Way Out” was pre-sold include not only Asian countries such as Taiwan, Hong Kong and Vietnam but also Britain, Australia, the United States and those in the Middle East.
“’The Roundup: No Way Out’ is expected to show the strength of Korean films globally,” according to the distributor.
“The Roundup” attracted 12.69 million viewers in Korea alone in 2022 as the only domestically-produced film to gain more than 10 million viewers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“The Roundup: No Way Out” opens in theaters on May 31.
BY LIM JEONG-WON [lim.jeongwon@joongang.co.kr]