A South Korean-Australian citizen visited North Korea in October and reunited with his separated family, marking the first private reunion of this kind since...
On the evening of December 7, the “Year-End Celebration Night for North Korean Defectors” took place at Yongsusan in Los Angeles’ Koreatown.
Hosted by the...
U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander Admiral Samuel Paparo stated that North Korea deployed troops to Russia, emphasizing that it was North Korea, not Russia, that initiated...
Despite ongoing recovery efforts over the past four months, the 11th Military Factory in Seonggan County, Jagang Province, has yet to be fully restored...
North Korean soldiers stationed in the Kursk region of Russia have expressed significant dissatisfaction due to food shortages, according to reports.
Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense...
“U.S.-Korean Diplomatic Crossroads” published by KEI
18 former ambassadors reflect on key turning points in relations
A valuable contribution to understanding modern Korean history
Ahead of the...