3. The Battle of the Top and Bottom of the Class
Starting November 2023, The Korea Daily is excited to publish the fantasy novel series “Sword of Malta – Lightning in 72 Years” on our website. This new captivating series follows a trio of young adventurers on their quest to uncover the mysteries of ancient civilizations, including the Maya and Inca. In an exciting development, Netflix is currently adapting the novel’s storyline into a film.
The ‘Sword of Malta – Lightning in 72 Years’ is the latest novel authored by Jeeyoon Ha, who created the “Pangaea series.” Ha’s debut novel, “The Pangaea: Finding Xibalba,” was selected by the Korea Creative Content Agency in 2022 as part of their initiative to support the global export of fantasy literature.
Readers can eagerly anticipate the online publication of two installments each month, with new chapters appearing bi-weekly, offering a regular escape into this magical realm.

“I… this time I didn’t know where I was, it was the first time I’d ever seen it, it was amazing, where did I really go?”
Suri looked dumbfounded that there was a civilization he didn’t know about.
“For God’s sake, stop! You make me feel like an emotional laborer.”
Ms.Goli’s breathing grew heavy.
“You’re not one of the Taxonomic ranks. You’re a… you’re an imposter. Kingdom phylum class order family genus species…. and an imposter. That’s your place.”
Ms.Goli’s breathing became more labored.
“By the way…Isn’t her face really dirty? It’s not a face, it’s a crumpled-up piece of paper..”
Maru’s mouth curled into a grimace, and he crumpled his notes.
“Did you say ‘face is dirty’?”
Ms.Goli cracked her neck with a loud noise. She seemed to be gathering her forces.
“Dra… sir.. I mean… ‘Suri’s face’ is dirty… not yours. Look at his dirty face… look at the way his hair is all tangled up. It’s covered in thick dandruff. Look at those yellow teeth. He probably hasn’t brushed in over a week… and those shiny, bare, thin lips around his teeth… and a body so skinny that even the sharpest butcher knife couldn’t cut through muscle”
As if Death herself was approaching him, Maru pleaded for mercy.
“Glutton Maru… just keep quiet for now”
“I do not endorse everyday, baseless ‘Glutton’ discrimination, sir”
Maru responded audaciously.
“…I need to deal with Suri first. Just sit quietly by the classroom door”
Maru walked quietly to the classroom door, just as Ms.Goli pursed her lips and held the whimsical hammer in front of his nose.
“Now Mr.Suri… keep this story interesting like Shere Lazad did because if you bore me your life will be on line”
Ms.Goli’s voice sounded like a death requiem.
“I know I’m supposed to be an intellectual who knows everything, but this time I was in a place I didn’t even recognize. Haha”
Suri chuckled.
“You’re a fool who makes me want to kill you.. you are nothing more than a serial Omega-Cockroach that needs extermination first. Haha.. It feels so poetic.”
A satisfied smile spread across Ms.Goli’s face.
“Sir, only Kafka could use the literary term ‘cockroach’. Please refrain from using it”
Maru suddenly stood up and spoke seriously.
“Glutton Maru ,if I investigate thoroughly ,I can trace back who made such audacious statements. Do you want to tarnish the honor of your ancestors? Keep quiet!”
Ms. Goli’s eyes widened as if they were going to pop out of her head.
“If you mess with my food-ego, this is what happens. You can mess with my family, but never with my food.”
Maru was as defiant as ever.
“I could spend the rest of my life starving you, I have plenty of time.”
Ms.Goli had dilated pupils like a beast just before a hunt.
“So, Suri… tell me a story, huh?”
Ms.Goli’s expression changed immediately.
“I was in a megalithic temple and I met an alien, it had only one head. No eyes, no nose, no mouth. And it said to me, ‘Find the sword. When lightning strikes after 72 years, the secret will be revealed.
Suri spoke passionately, completely oblivious of saliva flying out of his mouth.
“How far will this young-adult scammer’s tale of adventure really go?”
Ms.Goli exaggeratedly shuddered at Suri’s bizarre story .
“Hey, … you’ve always been full of hot air, but this time it’s too much. No eyes, no nose, no mouth and yet it talks?”
Yuki booed loudly.
“Hey, it’s real. Don’t mess with me. Before you get punished with violence.”
Suri gave Yuki the finger.
“Fool, I’m the top of the class. You’re the bottom of the class, and it’s not even a normal bottom of the class, it’s some kind of weird…hmm, semi-civilized bottom of the class. It feels like observing a primitive tribesman, haha.”
Yuki spoke in an eloquent tone as if seeking agreement from students.
“Yuki. Yuki. Yuki.”
The class sang his praises.
“Hey if you’re really the best in your class then why do you need to brag about it ? You seem desperate for recognition. If you’re good, others will acknowledge you first.”
Suri sneered dismissively.
“My morals and intelligence will not forgive you. Die.”
“A lowlife who does nothing but slander and accuse. Die.”
Yuki lunged first followed by Suri and they began fighting. Suri grabbed Yuki by his long hair while Yuki grabbed Suri’s neck, and the two of them were locked in a tight grapple.
“Die, bottom of the class.”
Yuki struggled, pinned down by Suri.
“You die first, top of the class.”
[To be continued…]