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Monday, March 3, 2025

South Korean President Moon Caught on Fancam by His Chinese Fans

Moon Jae-in’s Weibo fan page

South Korea’s newly elected president Moon Jae-in has an established fan base in his home country and it seems to expand to the neighboring country as well. Moon’s fan page on Chinese social media site Weibo has been set about a month ago and now has 60K followers.

Followers of this sizable fan page share pictures of President Moon as those of other fan clubs do. What’s noticeable about the shared pictures, however, is that many of them are rare ones that even the Korean enthusiasts of Moon haven’t seen before.

Moon’s followers on Korean social media are surprised to find Moon’s rare “fancams” on Weibo [Images from Moon Jae-in’s Weibo page].

Koreans on social media find those rare “fancams” surprising and somewhat pleasing at the same time. “How come pictures of our own president are posted on Weibo and we haven’t even seen them before,” one of Moon’s follower commented.

President Moon Jae-in, who’s just wrapped up his first week in the office, is sustaining high approval ratings. According to the poll conducted on May 15, the presidential approval ratings of Moon recorded 74.8 percent.


Original article by Jung Eun-hye
Translated by Heewon Kim