The continual rise of Korean-food in the culinary scene
Los Angeles, California- Roland Inc.’s 2016 K-Food Video Contest was inspired by the increasing rise in popularity of Korean-food in the culinary scene and its growing appreciation worldwide. Alongside with the widespread fame of K-Pop, Korean-food has also become universally reputable in the dining scene. This contest involves making an entertaining, easy-to-follow YouTube cooking video, demonstrating how to make simple Korean or Korean-fusion dishes. Korean-food recipes, whether it be in its original form or tweaked to blend in with another cultural dish, has been shared internationally through the utilization of YouTube.
This contest will be open to everyone within the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Video submissions will be accepted throughout the whole month of January, so this will be a great time for everyone to prepare their videos.
“We are very delighted to host this Korean-food cooking event”, said Marlseon Ro, Roland Inc’s CEO. “The main goal throughout this contest is for people to become more open-minded and appreciative of not just Korean culture, but other cultures outside of their own root.”
Just in time for the New Year, this event will be a refreshing way for individuals to start off the year with a spontaneous, open-mind. This contest will give individuals an opportunity to win $1000 in cash or other grand prizes. Roland Shop has been specializing in providing the most innovative, health conscious, and unique products for the home. Through this event, Roland Shop would like to bring something special and important to the community. For more information regarding this contest, please visit