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Friday, March 28, 2025

Most Trending Korean Drinking Game among the 20s

South Koreans have an interesting drinking culture. They combine indoor activities while drinking. Not only do they sing songs in Karaoke while drinking, but they also play a variety of games while drinking. It definitely helps to break the ice when meeting people for the first time. Also, it elicits an exciting mood so that everyone can enjoy drinking altogether.

There are a lot of Korean drinking games that are popular among the 20s. One of most trending drinking games is “Eyes gaze at each other” (마주치는 눈빛이) which is recently made by a popular content creator, Jae Won Joe. Joe is famous for making videos of prank cam-episodes and Korean drinking games. He is the one who originally made the “Eyes gaze at each other” game for the first time. There are several rules to this game. 1) People have to make an ugly face when a bottle of liquor is passed to them while the song “Eyes gaze at each other” is played in the background. 2) If the ugly face is not ugly enough then they have to take a shot. 3) The person who is holding the bottle must drink a shot when the lyric “Ma ju chi neun Nun bi chi” comes out.

This game caught tremendous popularity in Korea. Jae won Joe said “To be honest, I really love drinking. I guess it led me to make the game so as to enjoy drinking as much as possible. Also, since most of my friends know every drinking game that’s out there, I tried to think of an original game.”

“In fact, I became famous because of the prank cam, but I also would like to give an opportunity for my audiences to have a little fun through the drinking games that I’ve created,” he added, “I’m looking forward to making more original and funny drinking games in the future.”

Content creator, Jae Won Joe 


By Juna Moon

The Korea Daily
The Korea Daily
The Korea Daily (미주중앙일보) is the largest Korean media outlet in the U.S