![Logo of Korean American Day [Image courtesy of keia.org]](https://www.koreadailyus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ka_day_header_generic.jpg)
On January 13, 1903, 100 pioneer immigrants arrived to Hawaii and commenced the first chapter of Korean immigration to the United States.
Korean American Day honors the contributions of the Korean American community to the United States and commemorates the first arrival of Korean immigrants on January 13, 1903. In 2005, the U.S. Senate and House passed resolutions by unanimous consent expressing support for the goals and aspirations of Korean American Day, which is also celebrated in numerous states and cities.
This year marks the 114th anniversary of Korean American Day. To celebrate the meaningful day, ceremonies will be held in multiple locations including the California State Capitol.
The Korean American Foundation announced that Korean communities in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington DC and New York will celebrate the special day together.
According to the foundation, celebrations will take place at Los Angeles City Hall and California State Capitol on January 13.
Michelle Park Steel (member of the Orange County Board of Supervisors), David Ryu (Los Angeles City Councilman) and Steven Choi (member of California State Assembly from the 68th district) will present speeches to celebrate Korean American Day.
“The Senate and the House passed a resolution to declare Korean American Day as an observed day,” said Steven Park. “I hope Korean communities in the U.S., as well as other communities, to join and celebrate Korean American Day together.”
On January 12, Korean community in Washington, D.C. will visit the Capitol Building and commemorate the significance of Korean American Day. Dr.Jin, the chairman of Washington DC Korean Foundation, will introduce the history of Korean community in the U.S. to congressmen.
Larry Hogan, the governor of Maryland, will celebrate the day at the Annapolis City Hall on January 10. Also other Korean communities in New York and Hawaii will perform ceremonies before or after January 13.
Original article by Hyung-jae Kim, The Korea Daily Los Angeles
Translated by Narae Lee