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Are eggs really bad for your heart health?: Popular myths about eggs

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For decades, eggs have gotten a bad reputation because of the yolks high in cholesterol. While daily recommendation for cholesterol is less than 300 mg, an egg contains 186 mg of cholesterol. However, a new research suggests that an egg may not be a heartbreaker after all.


According to American Heart Association, an egg a day does not hurt you – such statement is supplemented with recent Finnish research in which concludes that eggs, or any other dietary cholesterol, have no impact on heart health.

Below are some other hidden facts about eggs:

1. Egg yolks make you smarter.
Egg yolks contain Choline, which is one of the B vitamins. Choline is a macronutrient important for normal brain development, nerve function, as well as a healthy metabolism. Some researchers found that consumption of Choline during pregnancy helps brain development of the fetus.

egg2. Eggs ARE the perfect protein supplement.
Eggs win gold medal when it comes to the quality of protein since every last bit of protein in egg can be fully absorbed to your body.

3. Color of egg yolk doesn’t mean anything.
Some say that yellowness of the yolk means freshness and others say that the more yellow the yolk, the better in terms of health benefits. However, color of the yolk only shows what the hen has eaten before laying the egg.

4. Transparency of egg white, however, means something.
There is no difference between clearer egg white and opaque one. However, chances are high that you’ve got an old egg if the egg white is clearer. Newer eggs have rather opaque egg whites.

5. Then does color of egg shell mean anything?
Color of the egg shell differs by the breed. Other than that, brown eggs and white eggs are basically the same.

Original document available from www.koreadaily.com/news/read.asp?page=2&branch=NEWS&source=&category=lifenleisure.health&art_id=4108266
Translated by Heewon Kim