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Get $20 Off of Amazon Prime Membership Subscription Today

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Today, on October 18th, you can get $20 off of the membership fee if you become a Amazon Prime member.

Amazon is having the one-day promotion, celebrating the launching of Amazon Prime’s TV show ‘The Grand Tour’. The regular membership fee is $99, but you can get it for $79 if you subscribe today. This promotion will last until 11:59 PM and it is eligible for new members.

Prime members can get 2-day shipping for free, watch unlimited Prime Video’s TV shows and movies, and listen to Prime Music’s songs for free.

Also, during holiday seasons, prime members can start Black Friday shopping 30 minutes earlier than regular members.

Amazon is in an effort to expand their Prime members as these members’ average annual spending amount is $1200, which is double more than non-members.

Although Amazon has not released the number of Prime members, CIRP (Consumer Intelligence Research Partners) estimates it to be 65 million, which is 52% of consumers in America.


Original article available at http://www.koreadaily.com/news/read.asp?art_id=4778857
Translated by Audrey Joung