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Famed mukbang YouTuber Tzuyang says ex-boyfriend extorted 4 billion won

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Famed mukbang (eating show) YouTuber Tzuyang, 27, said she suffered physical and mental abuse and threats from her ex-boyfriend for four years, during which he extorted more than 4 billion won ($2.9 million) from her.

Tzuyang, whose legal name is Park Jung-won, made the claims in a YouTube livestream on Thursday. She said her ex-boyfriend, who later managed her as a YouTuber as well, took money from her through unfair contracts and threats, and even made her “entertain” guests with alcohol, before she began her YouTube career. She did not specify when the abuse began.

“Tzuyang was neglected at least 4 billion won in payment [by her ex-boyfriend],” said her legal representative Kim Tae-yeon in the same livestream.

The two met while Tzuyang was taking a break from university, according to the YouTuber.

Mukbang YouTuber Tzuyang discusses personal controversies a video on Thursday [SCREEN CAPTURE]

“He showed violent behavior, and I tried to break up with him,” she said, adding that he would hit her twice a day with household items such as an umbrella. “But he threatened to release [illegally filmed] videos he had taken [of me], so I couldn’t leave him.

“I couldn’t tell anyone about the threats, and all the money I earned at that time was taken. Whenever I said I couldn’t take it anymore and wanted to stop, he would use violence again and threaten to tell my family, so I couldn’t resist.

Even when Tzuyang succeeded as a mukbang YouTuber, her then-partner’s violence didn’t stop, she said.

“I earned some money from broadcasting, but [he] took it all, and I didn’t even have money to order chicken,” said Tzuyang. “As the broadcast grew, [he] created a management agency and made an unfair contract with me.” The partner was entitled to 70 percent of profits under the contract, Tzuyang said, while she would receive only 30.

The YouTuber’s ex-boyfriend forced her to return to the spotlight against her will after she announced her retirement in 2020 due to a “backdoor advertising” controversy, per her account. “I really had no intention of returning,” she said.

Backdoor advertising refers to the act of doing a promotion while pretending it is not a promotion.

Recently, she said she became “independent” from her ex-boyfriend.

YouTuber Caracula [SCREEN CAPTURE]
YouTuber Caracula [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Tzuyang filed criminal charges against her ex-boyfriend on various charges, but the case was closed when he committed suicide, said lawyer Kim. The specific date of the death was not mentioned.

The YouTuber made the allegations in response to a video that channel HoverLab Inc. uploaded on Wednesday.

The Wednesday video showed “tow-truck” YouTubers planning to extort money from Tzuyang by threatening to expose her past. “Tow-truck” is a derogatory term for YouTubers who post maliciously edited videos to insult and criticize celebrities or famous people.

One of the mentioned “tow-truck” YouTubers maintained their innocence on Thursday.

“I woke up to find out that it looks like I took bribes through vigilantism,” YouTuber Caracula said on YouTube’s community page. “I swear on my two sons that I have never taken any dirty money as a YouTuber.”

Caracula asked viewers to wait for a rebuttal and explanation video that he would “quickly upload.”

Tzuyang’s video had accumulated more than 3.77 million views as of Thursday 7:30 p.m. Comments supporting Tzuyang and calling for punishment of her ex-boyfriend and the blackmailers were posted, including such demands as “Find all the blackmailers and send them to jail” and “People who blackmail and humiliate others with their weaknesses should disappear.”

BY KIM MIN-YOUNG [kim.minyoung5@joongang.co.kr]