Exhibition at the Getty Center, Cave Temples of Dunhuang: Buddhist Art on China’s Silk Road 敦煌莫高窟 is finally open.
At this exhibition, visitors can explore 43 manuscripts, Buddhist paintings on silk, sketches, and numerous other objects originally from the site, as well as three full-size cave replicas.
Since 1989, the Getty Conservation Institute has been collaborated with the Dunhuang Academy to preserve the Cave Temples of Dunhuang. Various records, including video records for the past 25+ years to preserve this UNESCO World Heritage site, is also available.
Among numerous pieces on display, Diamond Sutra and three cave replicas are the absolute highlights. The wood block copy of Diamond Sutra from the British Library, which was made in 868, is the world’s earliest complete survival of a dated printed book.
Three caves of Dunhuang – 275 from the 5th Century, 285 from the 6th Century, and 320 from the 8th Century – are re-created in actual size with even the smallest details preserved. Filled with exquisite wall paintings and sculptures, the caves bear witness to the intense religious, artistic, and cultural exchanges along the Silk Road, the trade routes linking East and West.
Cave Temples of Dunhuang: Buddhist Art on China’s Silk Road is open now through September 4th.
For more information, visit www.getty.edu
Original document available from www.koreadaily.com/news/read.asp?page=1&branch=NEWS&source=LA&category=lifenleisure.culture&art_id=4247369
Translated and edited by Heewon Kim