Netflix original series “Beef,” lead by a Korean American director and featuring Asian American actors, won eight trophies at the 75th Primetime Emmy Awards...
Shares slid more than 1 percent Tuesday as escalating geopolitical tensions surrounding the Korean Peninsula weakened investors' appetite for risky assets. The local currency...
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has called for constitutional amendments defining South Korea as the North's “No. 1 hostile country” and committing the regime...
J.W. Lee, a Korean-American chef who has opened 16 Asian restaurants in Colorado over the past 16 years, including a prominent Korean restaurant, has...
"We need to hold the incumbent's incompetency accountable."
John Yi, candidate for State Assembly District 54, has characterized this election as about delivering a blunt...
MAUM market, a community-focused marketplace highlighting Asian-owned brands, is hosting an 'ONE HEART ONE MAUM: The Story & A Show ' exhibition to celebrate...
President Joe Biden has nominated Jasmine H. Yoon, a Korean-American and the Vice President of Corporate Integrity, Ethics, and Investigations at Capital One Financial...