59.1 F
Los Angeles
Thursday, March 20, 2025


[KatchUp_Official] Unboxing IVE (아이브) 3rd Single Album ‘AFTER LIKE’


[KatchUp_Official] FREE #LIFE4CUTS Photo Booth on 9/23 @Korean Festival

Team KatchUp(@katchup_official) is hosting a FREE #LIFE4CUTS photo booth on 9/23(Fri) @49th Los Angeles Korean Festival in Seoul International Park (3250 San Marino St....

Karen Bass home break-in adds criticism of being double-standard politicians

Recent burglary of U.S. Rep. Karen Bass’s home gives a new phase in the Los Angeles mayor’s race. Last Saturday, Bass’s campaign released a statement...

KDus The 49th LA Korean Festival ‘K-Pop’ Event

Application and Selection Process: ▶STEP 1: APPLY Submit your Group name, Main POC Name, Email, Phone and your 1 dance performance video to katchupofficial@gmail.com by September 11th, 2022....

Twice’s upcoming EP ‘Between1&2’ passes 1 million in presales

#Twice #Between1and2 #JYPEntertainment #FolmulaofLove #Billboard200 #TalkthatTalk #KnockKnock #WhatisLove #TheFeels #kpop #kdrama #kmovie #korean #koreanamerican #love #kpopdance #kpopnews #katchup #katchupofficial #케이팝 #케치업 #케치업오피셜

“Homelessness is an addiction problem, not a housing problem” LA City Councilman John Lee Interview

“Homelessness is an addiction problem, not a housing problem” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQstkRCNnYQ

Unboxing NewJeans (뉴진스) 1st EP “BLUE BOOK” 📘💙


[KatchUp_Official] Unboxing aespa (에스파) the 2nd mini album ‘Girls’

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/yC0PBuVzTuw #AESPA #aespa #realworld #Kwangya #Girls #Karina #Winter #Giselle #Ningning #SMEntertainment #kpopfyp #kpoptiktok #kpopalbum #BlackMamba #Aespaalbum #Aespaalbumunboxing #albumunboxing #unboxing #kpop #kpopnews #freegiveaways #freealbumsweepstake #katchupofficial #에스파...

[Katch Up_Official] What is the hottest K-Cocktail right now? 🍸 Blue Lemonade Milkis Cocktail

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyMvRa8MFOc Blue Lemonade Milkis Cocktail (블레밀주) 💙🍋 Saw this cocktail recipe It turned out absolutely delicious! It might just be your new favorite drink combination!   Recipe: Milkis Drink(3):...