In late September of last year, Taiwanese media simultaneously reported that classified files on the Hai Kun, Taiwan’s first indigenous submarine, had been handed...
In early 2019, an intriguing rumor began circulating among the employees at Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME, now Hanwha Ocean) in Geoje, South...
“Mom, am I South Korean, Chinese, or North Korean?”
“You are neither Chinese nor North Korean. You are a South Korean.”
Jung-ah Kim (alias), a North...
“I hope there will be no more human discrimination. During COVID-19, I was bullied simply because I came from China.”
Soo-young Park (alias, 19), the...
In January 2022, an unexpected visitor appeared at the South Korean Mission in Taipei. Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Ma Wen-chun, carried an unidentified...
The fundamental difference between bacteria and viruses lies in their methods of reproduction. Bacteria reproduce by splitting into two, creating another identical entity. In...
Boeing's aircraft continue to make headlines for their involvement in accidents worldwide.
On May 9 (local time), a TransAir flight Boeing 737, carrying 85 people,...