Operation Chromite (2016), an upcoming Korean movie featuring Liam Neeson as General Douglass MacArthur, has been confirmed to be released in North America on...
Seohyun of K-pop group Girls’ Generation may star in a new Korean-Chinese web drama, according to the 24-year-old’s talent agency, SM Entertainment, on Monday.
People are paying much attention about Kim Soo-hyun's next appearance.
Kim Soo-hyun is currently filming the movie Real, which started the production in January 2016. He himself...
Lee Joon-gi was cast as the prince in upcoming fantasy-romance Korean drama, Scarlet Heart: Ryeo, which has already created much buzz with its A-list lineup.
Industry insider...
T.O.P, a member of the K-pop boy group Big Bang, has been cast in a Chinese movie.
T.O.P’s management agency, YG Entertainment, announced Tuesday that...