The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has adopted K-pop as an official subject. According to the Korean Consulate General in Los Angeles, four...
The Korea Daily, in collaboration with a specialized law firm, is launching the "All Rise" podcast, which provides legal advice on how to respond...
On March 16, The Korea Daily hosted the "Korean American Parent-Teenager Mental Health Roundtable: Understanding Each Other's Minds" with the National Youth Community Center...
With the cost of weddings skyrocketing, more and more brides and grooms are looking to get married without spending a fortune.
According to a recent...
"If this publicity helps inspire the next generation of Korean-American officers, then that's all that matters," said Lieutenant Hak Kim, 44, who rescued a...
The highest percentage of Korean-born immigrants in California as a percentage of the population is now in Orange County.
This shows that Korean-born immigrants are...