A Korean-American chess player who received worldwide attention for his outstanding chess skills at a young age was suspended for a year after causing...
Undocumented Korean Americans living in California were relieved of a major worry earlier this year. The state government of California has expanded the Medi-Cal,...
The non-profit organization Happy Village, operated by the Korea Daily, is hosting its annual year-end event, the ‘2024 Warm Jacket Donation Drive,’ to support...
The number of illegal immigrants nationwide is estimated to be 11 million. According to the Department of Homeland Security, about 8.5 million of these...
The North American hub of the Study in Korea information center officially launched its operations last October at the Korean Education Center Los Angeles.
Korean-American teenagers donated $1,000 raised from a flea market to the Korean American Family Services.
On November 16, the youth of the Rotary Interact Club...