Last year, the California State Assembly established November 22 as the "Kimchi Day". To mark its first anniversary this year, the American Western Korean...
“If it's 5th Street and Western, it's Korean Town, right? There's a car accident right now. Officers are out."
Collect real-time information on SNS Two...
He's after the second district, KrekorianDistrict 10 Hut, Refrain from speakingBonin focusing only on his own future
Among the 15 council members of the Los...
District 6 Martinez resigned with ‘a broken heart’Kevin De-Leon also under pressure to resign"A special election can be crucial for CD 10"
The scandal over...
Now we know why the making K-town an independent city district was tough last year.
The conversation between LA city councilors and union leaders revealed...
Recent burglary of U.S. Rep. Karen Bass’s home gives a new phase in the Los Angeles mayor’s race.
Last Saturday, Bass’s campaign released a statement...