John Kim, 61, who allegedly directly or indirectly operated Club Mega Planet (CMP), an online investment company that targeted ethnic Korean seniors, is currently...
An Asian hate crime occurred in the heart of Manhattan's Koreatown neighborhood, where a man yelled racial slurs and assaulted a Korean-American man and...
An Asiana Airlines flight that took off from Jeju Island landed at Daegu International Airport with one of its emergency exits open on Friday.
Asian-American civic groups in Texas have called on the authorities in Texas to publicly disclose the motive behind the mass shooting that occurred on...
A manager of a rental property located in the heart of Los Angeles Koreatown has been caught committing sex crimes against female tenants, including...
The mass shooting incident in Allen, near Dallas, Texas, brought back the nightmare Dallas residents experienced a year ago.
On May 11, 2022, a gunman...