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California Camping Mania connects 5,600 outdoor enthusiasts in nature’s haven

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California Camping Mania members delight in the great outdoors during a memorable excursion at Joshua Tree National Park on June 10-11. [Courtesy of Camping Mania]
“California, with its breathtaking beaches and majestic mountains, is a true haven for camping enthusiasts. The allure of sharing food and gathering around a campfire in the midst of nature is an experience that truly opens one’s heart. If you have an interest in camping, there’s no need to hesitate. Our community of 5,600 members is ready to provide you with all the information you need to embark on your camping adventures.”

In August 2020, amidst the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Michael Jin, an ardent camper, took the initiative to create the California Camping Mania page on Facebook. His intention was to share the joys of “camping in nature” during a time when everyone was confined due to the unprecedented circumstances brought about by the pandemic.

Initially, Jin simply aimed to create an online platform where he could share his personal camping experiences. However, he was taken aback by the overwhelming response from fellow campers across California. Enthusiasts from Southern California and beyond flocked to the Camping Mania Facebook page. Fast forward to July 2023, and the Camping Mania community has blossomed, now boasting more than 5,600 members.

Jin, who spearheads both virtual and in-person gatherings through the Facebook page, finds himself busier than ever. “When I first started the group, I had limited information about the campgrounds I wanted to visit,” he recalls. “I thought it would be great to share camping knowledge among Koreans and find companions. I was pleasantly surprised to discover the multitude of individuals who share a deep love for camping across California.”

Members of Camping Mania come from diverse backgrounds, encompassing those who are eager but hesitant to embark on camping adventures, couples venturing into the world of camping, solo adventurers relishing the great outdoors, parents seeking to introduce their children to nature, and retired couples seeking new experiences.

With over 5,600 members, Camping Mania has its fair share of seasoned experts. These individuals have explored countless campgrounds throughout California and generously share their first-hand experiences. Avid campers provide real-time updates on campgrounds, share reservation details, and engage in discussions about camping equipment, comparing price/performance ratios, all without charge.

Jin emphasizes, “The majority of our members are campers who go camping once or twice a year, while some are frequent campers, embarking on dozens of trips annually. We exchange information about various campgrounds and their surroundings, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of campsites during different seasons, provide reservation tips, safety guidelines, and suggestions on essential camping gear. From beginner-friendly camping tips to expert-level insights, Camping Mania has evolved into a thriving hub for knowledge sharing and fostering friendships.”

Camping Mania is particularly dedicated to promoting shared experiences in nature. Jin explains, “Coordinating camping trips with friends or acquaintances can often be challenging due to conflicting schedules. That’s why our members organize camping outings with like-minded individuals, including single campers, same-gender groups, and families. This way, they can relish the joys of camping while building connections.”

What exactly captivates thousands of Koreans, despite the effort required to pack and organize camping gear? Jin shares his perspective, “Once you immerse yourself in nature and indulge in delightful meals together, your heart opens up. Experiencing the tranquility of nature and the warmth of campfire conversations creates an irresistible bond with camping.”

As summer approaches, Camping Mania members are eagerly preparing for their camping excursions. The community offers a variety of options, ranging from regular meetups to group-specific outings.

“We revel in the beauty of camping while respecting one another and ensuring minimal impact on nature. We welcome anyone seeking to learn about camping, share information, or find companionship.”

BY HYOUNGJAE KIM    [kim.ian@koreadaily.com]