When it comes to diversity, Hollywood movies often lack appropriate and accurate Asian characters. This underrepresentation can be harmful and shows that diversity is...
SeaWorld San Diego is changing its killer whale shows. During a November press conference, SeaWorld CEO Joel Manby said Seaworld will replace its current...
When:November 15, 2015 @7:00PM
Where: Club Nokia:800 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Description:The Hallyu star group Block B will be coming to the United...
When: Thursday, October 1 through Sunday, October 4
Where: Seoul International Park, 3250 San Marino Street, Los Angeles, 90006
Description: “Now in its 42nd year, the...
Grand Hyatt Incheon
To Dec. 27: The Grand Hyatt Incheon launched its Awoo Doll campaign in partnership with Unicef. This campaign is the Unicef charity...