Triple Star, a participant from the Netflix cooking competition “Culinary Class Wars,” is currently facing multiple allegations involving two women from his past —...
North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Thursday at a lofted trajectory, setting the record for its longest ICBM flight at 86 minutes.
The Democratic Party (DP) warned Wednesday it will pursue the impeachment of the Defense Minister if the government decides to send "armed forces" to...
As automakers begin to unload their electric vehicle (EV) inventory, lease prices for some models are showing significantly lower prices than hybrid (HEV) and...
Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), one of the busiest airports in the world, is a tourist destination for many travelers. In charge of overseeing...
The South Korean Presidential Office announced on October 30 that North Korea’s troop deployment to Russia is progressing faster than initially expected.
A senior official...