In the Korean American community, a lot of energy is placed on students attending highly ranked colleges. While obtaining an undergraduate degree from a...
The Federal Social Security Administration (SSA) accidentally issued one social security number to two people, sparking controversy.
According to NBC report on the 18th, Kim...
According to the Korean real estate industry on the 20th, Park West Casino (CEO John Park), a Korean-owned casino business company, acquired the Bicycle...
The appellate court ruled in favor of a same-sex couple by acknowledging the partner as a legal dependent for health insurance on Tuesday.
This decision...
SM Entertainment says that removing founder Lee Soo-man from the production process will increase revenue by 134 percent by 2025.
The K-pop agency, which is...
The Olympic Community Police Station raised awareness of the dangers of illegal drug trafficking with Korean gangs in LA Koreatown.
Chief Aaron Ponce participated in...