Peter Sohn, the first Korean-American director at Disney-Pixar, recently revealed the path he followed to directing his first animated feature, “The Good Dinosaur,” at...
“Inside Men: The Original,” the uncut version of Woo Min-ho’s hit political thriller, started off strong in second place during the first weekend of...
Backed by the craze for Internet-based comic strips, or webtoons, at home, platform operators are bringing their entertaining content to a wider base of...
Japan ranked as the largest arms importer worldwide, having a significant military expenditure, as shown by a U.S. government report that illustrated the Pacific...
The nation’s economic leaders kicked off the new year by expressing determination in creating structural reforms and securing growth potentials.
Choi Kyung-hwan, the outgoing deputy...
Koreans are generally divided on whether they believe the Japanese government has acknowledged legal responsibility for sexually enslaving thousands of young women and girls...