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Los Angeles
Friday, October 18, 2024

Despite ‘accidental death’ ruling, the search for Joonhee Han’s attacker must continue

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The tragic death of 19-year-old Joonhee Han has shaken the Korean-American community in Los Angeles, and for good reason. In July, Han collapsed and later died from what the coroner’s office officially classified as an “accidental death,” citing ischemic stroke and other health complications.

However, this ruling does not erase the undeniable fact that Han was brutally attacked just days before he died. While the coroner’s findings focus on medical causes, they should not overshadow the importance of pursuing justice for Han, who may have lost his life as a result of that unprovoked assault.

Han’s family has been left devastated, not only by their unimaginable loss but also by the slow progress of the police investigation. It has now been months since Han was attacked near the intersection of 7th Street and Serrano Avenue, but the person responsible remains unidentified.

Han’s family members maintained that Han described the assailant as a man on an electric scooter who violently shoved and punched him, leaving him with injuries that may have ultimately led to his death. Days after the attack, Han collapsed while walking with friends, vomiting and showing symptoms of a brain hemorrhage. Despite emergency surgery, he was declared brain-dead on July 25.

Joonhee Han at the hospital before his passing [GoFundMe]

Han’s case is now classified as an “accidental death,” but this should not be seen as an excuse to halt the search for the man who attacked him. The coroner’s report may focus on medical factors, but as the LAPD continues its investigation, the role of the assault in Han’s untimely death must remain central.

Brain hemorrhages caused by head trauma, like those Han likely suffered, can take days to manifest — a fact known in other tragic cases. Could this be what happened to Han?

The LAPD’s homicide detectives are working diligently to gather evidence, but they face challenges. CCTV footage has not yielded enough leads, and the case now hinges on witness testimony and community tips.

This is where we, the community, must come together. The Han family has pleaded for help, urging anyone who witnessed the attack or knows something about it to come forward. Han’s attacker is still out there, and until this person is brought to justice, there can be no closure for the Han family or the community at large.

It is deeply troubling that this case has not received the widespread media attention it deserves. Some have speculated that the racial dynamics — a Black suspect and a Korean victim — may have contributed to this lack of coverage.

Had the situation been different, would we have seen more headlines and public outrage? Regardless, it is incumbent upon all of us to ensure this case remains in the public eye. We cannot let this young man’s death be reduced to a set of medical findings and forgotten by the broader community.

Han’s family deserves answers. They deserve justice. And most importantly, they deserve to know that the person responsible for this horrific attack will be held accountable. The coroner’s report may have concluded the cause of death, but it does not remove the need for further investigation into the brutal assault that may have played a key role.

As the investigation continues, we must ask ourselves: What kind of community do we want to be? One that stands by while a violent attacker roams free, or one that rallies together to support the Han family in their search for justice? The police cannot do it alone — they need our help.

We must not let this case fade from our collective memory. We owe it to Joonhee Han, his grieving family, and our community’s safety to keep looking for the person responsible. Justice delayed must not be justice denied.

By Mooyoung Lee   [lee.mooyoung@koreadaily.com]