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Los Angeles
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Majority of Korean Americans express discontent with LA Mayor Bass’ performance

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LA Mayor Karen Bass

A majority of Korean Americans hold a negative view of Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass’ performance during her first seven months in office.

In a recent online survey conducted by Koreadaily.com, over 84 percent of respondents expressed that the promises made by Mayor Bass during her campaign were merely words and that they have not witnessed any tangible change in their lives since she took office.

Seven months into her term as the first Black female mayor in the city’s 240-year history, Mayor Bass pledged to prioritize solving homelessness and enhancing public safety by increasing the number of police officers and improving street conditions. The survey asked 324 respondents about the improvement in the overall quality of life, including homelessness and public safety, since her election.

An overwhelming 84.26 percent of respondents, amounting to 273 individuals, chose the response “No. It’s all talk and I don’t see any real change.” Approximately 10.19 percent (33 respondents) felt that the situation was getting better compared to Mayor Eric Garcetti’s tenure, and 5.56 percent (18 respondents) were uncertain about the progress.

Critics argue that despite Mayor Bass’ promises to address the homelessness crisis, public safety, and affordable housing for working families, she has not delivered on these commitments. Some accuse her of lacking swift solutions to the pressing issues faced by the community.

A Korean American woman living in a senior apartment in Koreatown expressed disappointment, stating, “I thought that once Mayor Bass took office, the homeless problem would be solved, and the streets would be safer, but now I’m very disappointed.” She added that she still fears for her safety while walking around the neighborhood.

LA Mayor Karen Bass speaking to citizens.

There are also complaints that Mayor Bass appears to visit Korean American neighborhoods and meet with some Koreans but fails to engage with the necessary people and organizations to discuss the development and improvement of Korean American neighborhoods and foster collaboration between the Korean American community and the city of Los Angeles.

Furthermore, reports suggest that Mayor Bass lacks individuals on her staff who possess a clear understanding of the Korean American community.

Chief among the Korean American community’s frustrations is Mayor Bass’ slow response to address homelessness, particularly in Koreatown, which has eroded confidence in her leadership.

Concerns also arise regarding the allocation of the city’s budget, with critics arguing that while the government invests substantial amounts in various areas like temporary housing, permanent housing, and health treatments, there remains a lack of coordination and implementation effectiveness.

As Mayor Bass still has over three years left in her term, community members urge her to reevaluate the policies currently in place and ensure they achieve the desired results. They hope she will leave office as a mayor who has positively impacted citizens’ lives and garnered widespread applause for her actions.

Overall, the Korean American community’s dissatisfaction with Mayor Bass’ performance highlights the urgent need for her to address their concerns and work towards fulfilling the promises made during her election campaign.

BY BYONG IL KIM  [kim.byongil@koreadaily.com]