How does sugar affect your brain negatively

Sugar_2xmacroOf course consuming too much sugar is not good for your health. But did you also know that over-consumption of sugar has negative effects on your brain too? Here are what overconsumption of sugar leads to.

  1. 1. Impaired memory and learning ability

A study found that continued consumption of foods with excessive sugar discourages brain’s ability to learn and memorize. According to the research, too much sugar generates problems with brain’s synaptic activity as insulin, which strengthens the synaptic connection between brain cells, is resisted with heavy sugar intake.

2. Increased anxiety and depression

Heavy sugar intake causes a sudden peak and drop in blood sugar level. With the sudden drop of blood sugar level, a person experiences irritability, mood swing, and fatigue. At the same time, excessive amount of sugar can mess with the neurotransmitters, which keeps our moods stable. Even though the right amount of sugar cheers you up as it stimulates the release of serotonin, continuously over-activating serotonin depletes the limited supplies of the neurotransmitter, which can lead to depression.

3. Continuous cravings

You may think that eating something resolves your cravings, but it actually doesn’t. When you consume sugar, taste receptor is activated, causing hormones as dopamine to be released. When it is activated too much or too frequently, craving and tolerance to sugar is increased.

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Translated by Heewon Kim