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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Otto Warmbier Dies 6 Days After Returning Home from N. Korea

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Otto Warmbier

Otto Warmbier, U.S. college student who was released from North Korea in a coma, died Monday, six days after his return home.

Parents of Warmbier officially announced on June 19 that their son has passed away. They blamed the North Korean government for Otto’s death, writing that the “awful torturous mistreatment” caused his death.

Otto Warmbier returning after 17 months of imprisonment in North Korea.

The family had previously been informed by the North Korean officials that Otto fell into a coma after taking a sleeping pill due to botulism. However, a team of U.S. doctors at the Cincinnati Medical Center in Ohio announced that there was no sign of botulism found, but instead there was severe brain damage.

Otto Warmbier was given a 15-year prison sentence and labor for allegedly attempting to steal a propaganda poster from a hotel in Pyeongyang.


Original article by Park Sang-wook
Translated by Heewon Kim