Convenience stores have a special appeal, especially in Korea. As you step inside one of those clean, bright stores open 24/7, hottest K-pop and the cashier’s apathetic greeting welcome you.
Convenience stores may not offer the best deal, but they make sure that the shelves are up to date all the time. No matter which part of the country you visit, convenience stores will offer the newest food trend of Korea on sight.
It is a recent trend among large scale convenience store chains in Korea, such as GS25, CU, and 7-Eleven, to produce private label products. In this 5 Items Available Only at Korean Convenience Stores series, we will explore some of the trendiest items available only at Korean convenience stores.
Dosirak Edition
Variety as well as quality of dosirak, or boxed meals, is growing along with the number of single person households. Dosirak in Korea is usually comprised of steamed rice, one main dish, and few side dishes as banchan.
Simple meal options at convenience stores had been limited to cup noodles and triangle-shaped rice balls (삼각김밥), but the number and kinds of dosirak are growing at a rapid pace. Here are some of the trendiest dosiraks available at Korean convenience stores.
(4,000 KRW = $3.54)
Budae Jjigae is a spicy stew made with a bunch of ingredients such as ham, sausage, and kimchi, in addition to ramen noodles. Because of this variety in ingredients, Budae Jjigae has been perceived as a sharable, large-portion dish. But this Budae Jigae Dosirak breaks such prejudice and offers a single-person portion of the Jjigae.
2. Fulfilling Jeon Dosirak
(4,500 KRW = $3.99)
3. Eel Dosirak
(4,900 KRW = $4.35 / 10,000 KRW = $8.87)
4. Fried Chicken Dosirak
(3,800 KRW = $3.37)
(3,900 KRW = $3.46)
Different from most other dosiraks that consist of one main dish and few side dishes, this dosirak puts emphasis on the variety of side dishes. Bulgogi, spicy pork, egg roll, grilled ham, zucchini namool, mushroom stir-fry, sausage, potato stir-fry, and kimchi are contained in a dosirak with steamed rice.
By Heewon Kim